My social buttons are not showing on mobile devices
Please use our social mobile bar to display social buttons on mobile devices. The Social Mobile Bar only supports the ‘share’ your website option (not the ‘follow’ your social account – except Youtube and Instagram). If you choose ‘follow’ your social account on desktop (or Youtube or Instagram on mobile), please enter your social account on the ‘configure’ or ‘Update’ tab on the Zotabox setting page. ( readersI see my own social account when I share or chat
When testing, you will see YOUR social account (to share your website or ‘chat’). When your VISITORS come to your site they will see THEIR social account (when sharing your website or in the chat box). We hope this clears up any confusion.Some readersHow can I add my social account to my Zotabox tools?
Please choose ‘follow’ your social account then ‘configure’ your social account to add/edit your social account. Please note that the social mobile bar only offers the ‘share’ your website option (not the ‘follow’ your social account).Some readersMy Youtube video/channel does not display correctly
Youtube does not support custom channels. Ex.…. Please use this format –…. Click on ‘Home’ tab above video (not the home tab in left column) to get standard channel url and copy and paste in Zotabox setting page.Few readersMy WhatsApp (contact or share) button is not working
Your website visitors need to have WhatsApp installed on their mobile device or computer to use our WhatsApp (contact or share) button. This is a limitation of WhatsApp. They currently do not request ‘non-users’ to automatically create an account.Few readersHow do I set up and use the Messaging buttons (QR codes)?
Please configure your messaging buttons on the setting page. Your website visitors will need to install a QR code reader on their mobile phone to read your code and message you on their mobile device. Your customer must also have the messaging app installed on their phone to message you via Whatsapp, Messenger etc.Few readersI would like to embed the social buttons in my web/blog page
Our social buttons are currently not ’embeddable’. We intend to add this feature in the coming months after we complete our current priorities. Thank you for your patience.Few readersMy share totals are not correct
The share totals (per your website page) come directly from the social networks. Zotabox can not change or alter these totals. To compare your totals to a 3rd party provider, please enter your page url at Some networks, no longer support share totals. Ex. Twitter and G+.Few readersI cannot add my Instagram account to my social buttons
Instagram only supports the ‘follow’ your social account option, not ‘sharing’ your website option. Please enter your instagram account on the 2nd tab on your Zotabox setting page.Few readersWhat is the difference between "Share" and "Follow"?
On some social tools you can choose to allow your customers to ‘share’ your website with their friends OR ‘follow’ your social account. For the ‘share’ option we do NOT need your social account information. Currently, our social mobile tool only allows the ‘share’ option. The ‘follow’ option is available on our other social tools. We hope to add the ‘follow’ option to other tools in the near future. Thank you for your patience. (https://storage.Few readersCan I change what images/products Facebook shares?
Facebook automatically chooses what images etc to use when your visitors ‘share’ your website. Note: Facebook requires your website is public (not password protected) to automatically choose images to share. Please test share feature on live website. You can ‘tell’ Facebook what images to share by using the following code. Here are some quick instructions to embed social meta tags to Shopify theme. You may need a develoFew readers