Can I link my popup/tool to a custom link on my website?
Yes, you can use this code to open a zotabox popup or any tool with a custom link on your website. Please use this code to open our tool with your custom link: zbwid-Tool ID Or use this code in your HTML source editor: < a href="zbwid-Tool ID“>Show any tool< /a> Or use this code in your JavaScript code: ID) You can see the Tool ID in your browser title bar when on the Zotabox setting page. You may need a developer to help you. (https://storage.crisp.Few readersWhere can I find my new email signups?
Your email subscribers are on the dashboard -settings – new subscribers – You can also integrate your new subscribers with some popular email service providers on the settings – email service providers: readersMy new email signups are not being integrated with Mailchimp.
Mailchimp only adds NEW email addresses to your Mailchimp lists (not addresses already on or previously deleted from your mailchimp list). Please use a NEW email to test email capture tools. Also, if you click ‘double opt-in’ on the zotabox setting page ( your customers will need to click the confirmation link in a verification email to be added to your mailchimp list. You can uncheck this box to allowFew readers